I’ve wanted to be a writer for as long as I can remember. Ever since I learned there was a job writing fantastical stories for a living, my heart has been set on writing. I’ve taken horseback riding lessons since I was 5 years old, and I’ve also always known my future would involve animals. Being able to combine these two passions fulfills my childhood dreams!

Growing up

I’ve lived in Denver, Colorado my entire life. Naturally, that means my family went hiking every weekend in the summer and skiing in the winter. At the time, I hated it and wanted to be on a beach 24/7. Now, there’s a good chance it’s where I’ll spend the rest of my life.

My family members are all big readers. I come from a large blended family, and I was influenced by my older siblings. My two older sisters and older brother loved to read, so I, of course, also wanted to love to read. My mother fondly tells stories of the many waitresses who complimented the table of kids with their noses in books, with no tablets or phones in sight.

Sports and academics

I’ve always considered myself to be athletic. While I didn’t play a variety of sports, I was pretty good at most things I tried. Volleyball was a big part of my life from fourth grade on. I practiced every day and played in tournaments every weekend. I met all my closest friends through volleyball, and I looked forward to seeing them and playing the sport I loved every day. Although it left little room for anything else, I didn’t mind—until my senior year of high school.

In high school, we were divided by skill level, and playing in the games was no longer guaranteed. I experienced serious burnout. While I loved it until the very end, I knew my time playing volleyball had come to a close. However, college intramural sports have recently been calling my name!

Coming from a family of overachievers has its pros and cons. It’s great in the sense that I expect perfection from myself, but it can be extremely hard to balance perfection with good mental health. For a while, I absolutely hated school, and going to college for four years sounded like my worst nightmare. However, through all the ups and downs I would say being an overachiever has paid off, as I graduated from Denver South High School in 2023 with grades that opened up many college opportunities. Now that I’m finished with my first year at the University of Washington, I can confidently say college is nothing like high school, and I’m the happiest I’ve ever been. I guess every single adult in my life can now say, “I told you so!” 

Adult life so far

I don’t consider myself an adult yet by any means, but I’m sure that’ll come soon enough when I have to pay taxes and for my own meals. However, I do consider myself a completely different person than I was only a year ago. 

My freshman year of college was the best year of my life so far. I’m currently an English major and I’ll likely switch to an emphasis in creative writing. I’ve also been seriously considering adding a second major in psychology. Human (and animal!) behavior has always interested me, and I want to learn how to help treat illnesses. 

The path to Rumpus

I’ve always dreamed of being an author and changing people’s lives with the power of words, as my life has been changed through books. So, it was an easy decision to look for a writing internship this summer. 

After hearing that I was looking for an internship involving writing, Sarah graciously created a summer internship for me. To be able to research animal behaviors and write about ways to give animals the best life possible sounds like the best use of my time this summer. I’m excited about the knowledge and experience this internship will provide, and where it will lead in the future.