How’s your AI IQ? 

Artificial intelligence (AI) tools and machine learning chatbots, such as ChatGPT, Jasper, and ChatSonic, have exploded onto the scene and, in the time it takes to enter a prompt or query, have revolutionized how the world creates content. AI’s capability and efficiency for generating written and visual media are unmistakable, but when considering your business, all that limitless potential and brand new technology can feel a bit daunting, and perhaps a bit dangerous. Effectively leveraging AI’s power can accelerate and elevate your practice’s online content, putting a stop to your endless scrolling for inspiration, and enabling you to spend more time with patients and clients.

Use AI to generate ideas and find inspiration

Veterinary content creation can feel like reinventing the wheel. Other than occasional product innovations and new studies, most client-facing topics remain the same from year to year, stifling your creativity (i.e., writer’s block) to come up with content that offers a fresh perspective and an engaging message that attracts readers.

Break through this frustrating time-waster and crank out your practice’s monthly content by using AI tools to brainstorm ideas and talking points. Prompts that may help include:

  • What are five important facts about heartworm disease?
  • Make a list of blog topics on pet allergies 
  • Write step-by-step instructions on pet toothbrushing
  • How does pet ownership improve human health?

Use AI to accelerate keyword research and attract a larger audience

You don’t have time to master search engine optimization (SEO) and learn the ins and outs of online algorithms. You simply need to know how to ensure that an increasing number of clients see your blog post or promotion.

Good news—you can use AI tools to perform a quick search of your topic’s most popular keywords from thousands of online documents, websites, and articles. Once you have your results, simply shape your article, post, or other online content around the list. You’ll then be ready to move on to the next thing on your endless to-do list!

Use AI to speed up your research

Recruit AI to speed up your content research by asking it to find relevant papers, articles, or images. Unlike a standard search engine, AI software can fine-tune your results by requesting materials that support or are similar to your preferred resource. Simply add a link in the prompt window, and ask AI to find similar materials. You can also ask it to summarize each result so you know where to focus your time.

Use AI to improve readability 

As a rule, general audience content should be written at an eighth-grade level. However, you may have difficulty breaking down complex veterinary topics in a way that makes them easy to understand without sacrificing your credibility. 

AI tools can enhance readability by adjusting your content before you finalize your post. To accomplish this, copy and paste your content into the prompt and ask AI to rephrase or rewrite it at the desired grade level. Alternatively, ask AI to explain certain concepts at an eighth-grade level before you begin writing. Then, use similar keywords and sentence structure in your own content.

Use AI to organize your thoughts

For the times when you are overwhelmed with ideas and resources, AI tools can help you organize your thoughts, make a plan, and quickly get to work. Some of AI’s great organizational processes include:

  • Outline generation
  • Key points
  • Idea summary 
  • Introductions and conclusions
  • Title ideas
  • Call-to-action and hook inspiration
  • Designing corresponding social media posts

Do’s and don’ts for ethical and effective AI use

Open-source AI is a bit like the Wild West of content generation. So, use this tool with caution, and always ensure to balance AI’s untamed power with good old-fashioned common sense. Follow these ethical and effective writing standards:

  • Don’t plagiarize — AI is a great place to generate ideas but not copy them. Never lift content directly from your AI generator. Use AI-generated results as your starting point or the framework on which you can edit, expand, modify, and rewrite.
  • Do feed the AI tool examples, details, and links — The more information you can supply, the more accurate your results will be now and in the future as machine learning technology improves.
  • Don’t rely on AI for all of your content — AI is not a one-size-fits-all solution for content and it cannot mimic human creativity. Ensure you balance AI-inspired work with authentic old-school brain power.
  • Do personalize each piece — Tone and voice are a key part of establishing and maintaining your practice’s brand authenticity and credibility. Because AI-generated content pulls material from countless sources, you’ll likely need to reshape its results into a message that aligns with your brand’s voice. For the best initial results, try asking your AI tool to write in the style of a previous blog post or page on your website.
  • Don’t forget to fact-check — AI isn’t perfect. Ensure you fact-check every word to ensure your content’s message is accurate, appropriate, and aligned with your practice’s viewpoint, especially if the topic is controversial (e.g., feline declaw).

AI enables a writer with no professional education or expertise to create clear, informative, and clever content. However, as with any technology, AI is only as skillful as the person behind the screen or keyboard. If your online or print content needs a personal touch, turn to Rumpus Writing and Editing. Our team of writers and veterinary professionals craft customized educational and promotional content to suit your goals and needs. Contact us to schedule a consultation and receive a quote.